Monday, April 9, 2012


When we first divided up responsibilities Stephen Lewandowski was self-assigned to the role of Greek Chorus. Trying to find a weekend that fit everyones schedule and had the Gell Center available had me looking for free weekends in April. While in the middle of that process The Chorus spoke.

BEWARE of moving the date earlier
because up in them hills, the winter
is slow to leave and leaves behind much
mud, frozen ground and slippery slides.
The road to Gell is not great, the parking
worse, and snows last until May under
the dark groves.  Beware their glitter.
I scheduled something at Gell in
early April when in the lowlands
the zlotis and pinkups were in bloom
but behold there was an awful icestorm
that tore down trees, closed the roads,
and snuffed the electricity.  It was a cold time
and my nose ran for a week straight.
I said, "Nevermore shall I plan poetry readings
at Gell Center in April," and I have not unto this day.
So TAKE HEED ye flatlanders
these hills are slow to thaw
and schedule later.
                    The Chorus
The singing was pretty bad but the message from the The Chorus rang true.
The Greek Chorus has spoken
windows do rattle
tables do shake
I would trust luck
but my luck has a hole in its pocket
and my boots have holes in them too
and so does my plan
Travel through storms
tires skid, spin out or in that strange netherlands
don't quite firmly grip, kind of float
like the beautiful slow meander of the Normanskill
across the top of the asphalt road
queasy feeling like seeing the check arrive
when out for dinner with John Roche
don't want to study anymore ditches
even though I be friend
to a ditch connoisseur
April is a cruel month
The Greek Chorus ain't nobodies fool
I say we heed the raspery song
and wait for the warmer season
when the snakes have returned to their nests
in the boxes of letters in the basement
and the smart and colorful bird returns to the shore
of Lake Ontario to see the water turns from green to blue
(both posts on October 31, 2011)

There was a bit of concern as the I-Ching hexagram #43 Break-through was the original toss used to indicate the image and energy of Cloudburst. A bit of research into the Chinese calendar showed "The hexagram is linked with the third month [April-May]". The Gell Center was available and that is how we ended up scheduled in May and not April.

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