Sunday, May 13, 2018

Poem: her insignificance in the great scheme of things was only matched by his inflated presumption of his own greatness for CLOUDBURST COUNCIL 2018 ryki zuckerman

her insignificance in the great scheme of things
was only matched by his inflated presumption of his own greatness

his favorite four letter words are gold
and golf and fake
while mine are give and find and love.

his preferred three letter words are oil 
and gas and gun
while mine are all and sky and fun.

his only pronoun is me, and sometimes he
while i lean towards we and she.

too often monosyllabic or incoherent,
he has difficulty chewing his words
and spits them out
in little chunks of vitriol
and streams of vileness.

it's getting late.
before we get beyond
to where we can't turn back,
let's go for it.

ready for a duel –
my thesaurus is packed.

                  --ryki zuckerman

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